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Immersive Video Technologies

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Spectral Analysis of Re-parameterized Light Fields

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A spatio-angular filter for high quality sparse light field refocusing

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Focus Guided Light Field Saliency Estimation

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Light Field Style Transfer With Local Angular Consistency

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A Spatio-Angular Binary Descriptor for Fast Light Field Inter View Matching

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Self-supervised light field view synthesis using cycle consistency

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High Quality Light Field Extraction and Post-Processing for Raw Plenoptic Data

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A Study of Light Field Streaming for Interactive Refocusing

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The Potential of Light Fields in Media Productions


Interactive Light Field Tilt-Shift Refocus


Light Field Super-Resolution via LFBM5D Sparse Coding

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A Pipeline for Lenslet Light Field Quality Enhancement

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Light Field Denoising by Sparse 5D Transform Domain Collaborative Filtering

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Fast and Accurate Optical Flow based Depth Map Estimation from Light Fields


Scalable image coding based on epitomes

Details PDF IEEE Xplore INRIA

Learning clustering-based linear mappings for quantization noise removal

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Epitomic image factorization via neighbor-embedding

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Inter-prediction methods based on linear embedding for video compression

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Epitome inpainting with in-loop residue coding for image compression

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Clustering-based methods for fast epitome generation

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Locally linear embedding methods for inter image coding

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[Patent] Method for coding and decoding a plurality of picture blocks and corresponding devices

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[Patent] Method and device for clustering patches of a degraded version of an image

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[Patent] Method and apparatus for denoising an image using video epitome

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[Patent] Method and apparatus for reducing the coding artefact of a light field based image, and corresponding computer program product

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[Patent] Method and device for predicting a current block of pixels in a current frame, and corresponding encoding and/or decoding methods and devices

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[Patent] Method and apparatus for encoding and decoding of a light field based image, and corresponding computer program product

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[Patent] Method and apparatus for encoding and decoding of a light field based image, and corresponding computer program product

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[Patent] Method and apparatus for determining prediction of current block of enhancement layer

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[Patent] Methods, systems and apparatus for determining prediction adjustment factors

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[Patent] Methods and devices for generating, encoding or decoding images with a first dynamic range, and corresponding computer program products and computer-readable medium

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[Patent] Method and device of construction of an epitome, coding and decoding methods and coding and decoding devices

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[Patent] Differential coding of intra modes

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[Patent] Method for encoding and decoding an image block based on dynamic range extension, encoder and decoder

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[Patent] Methods for encoding and decoding a picture and corresponding devices

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[Patent] Method and apparatus for constructing an epitome from an image

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[Patent] Inter-image prediction method and device and corresponding coding method and apparatus

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[Patent] Method and apparatus for building an estimate of an original image from a low-quality version of the original image and an epitome

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[Patent] Inter-image prediction method and device and corresponding coding method and apparatus

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