Light field technology has reached a certain level ofmaturity in recent years, and its applications in both computervision research and industry are offering new perspectives forcinematography and virtual reality. Several methods of captureexist, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. One of thesemethods involves the use of handheld plenoptic cameras. Whilethese cameras offer freedom and ease of use, they also sufferfrom various visual artefacts and inconsistencies. We proposein this paper an advanced pipeline that enhances their output.After extracting sub-aperture images from the RAW imageswith our demultiplexing method, we perform three correctionsteps. We first remove hot pixel artefacts, then correct colourinconsistencies between views using a colour transfer method, andfinally we apply a state of the art light field denoising techniqueto ensure a high image quality. An in-depth analysis is providedfor every step of the pipeline, as well as their interaction withinthe system. We compare our approach to existing state of theart sub-aperture image extracting algorithms, using a number ofmetrics as well as a subjective experiment. Finally, we showcasethe positive impact of our system on a number of relevant lightfield applications.
All of our code is available here (please cite the appropriate papers if you use or adapt these codes in your work):
Many of the Light Field datasets we processed are available for direct use in clean form here. Please cite our paper “A Pipeline for Lenslet Light Field Quality Enhancement”, ICIP 2018, if you use any of these data in you work. Two versions are available, without or with our denoising step:
Additional results
Our pipeline was applied on a subset of the freely available
EPFL1 and
INRIA2 datasets.
Successful colour correction
Centre view (palette) |
Original external view |
‘Centre’ recolouring |
‘Prop’ recolouring |
‘Prop+centre’ reco |
Ankylosaurusand Diplodocus_11 |
Bee_12 |
Bee_22 |
Color_Chart_11 |
ChezEdgar2 |
Friends_11 |
Fruits2 |
Magnets_11 |
Posts2 |
Rose2 |
Vespa1 |
Video examples
Left side : our decoding; right side : our recolouring (Bee_22).
Left side : our recolouring; right side : our denoising (Bee_22).
Left side : our decoding; right side : our recolouring (Color_Chart_11).
Left side : our recolouring; right side : our denoising (Color_Chart_11).
Epipolar images
Horizontal epipolar images.
Dansereau decoding |
Our pipeline (‘centre’) |
Our pipeline (‘prop’) |
Our pipeline (‘p+c’) |
Bee_12 |
Bee_22 |
Color_Chart_11 |
Fruits2 |
Magnets_11 |
Vertical epipolar images.
Dansereau decoding |
Our pipeline (‘centre’) |
Our pipeline (‘prop’) |
Our pipeline (‘p+c’) |
Bee_12 |
Bee_22 |
Color_Chart_11 |
Fruits2 |
Magnets_11 |
Fail cases
‘Centre’ recolouring scheme fail cases. First picture is the centre view (palette), the rest are fail cases (different views in the light field). (Color_Chart_11 dataset)
Examples of tiny details not being registered properly during colour correction. First picture is the centre view (palette), second is a fail case (neighbouring view of the centre one). (Posts2 dataset)
Recolouring fail cases when extreme specular effects are present. First picture is the centre view (palette), the rest are fail cases (different views in the light field). (Vespa1 dataset)
Detailed metric results
Table 1 - Average recolouring results using PSNR. Higher values are better.
Decoded |
Prop |
Centre |
Prop+centre |
Ankylosaurus_and_Diplodocus_11 |
29.2905 |
30.4249 |
30.1865 |
30.3422 |
Bee_12 |
22.5770 |
24.0342 |
23.8479 |
23.9856 |
Bee_22 |
20.7177 |
21.7383 |
21.5678 |
21.6599 |
ChezEdgar2 |
25.8484 |
26.7639 |
26.7429 |
26.7728 |
Color_Chart_11 |
21.0754 |
21.9253 |
21.6420 |
21.9139 |
Friends_11 |
26.9947 |
27.3831 |
27.2762 |
27.3273 |
Fruits2 |
21.0893 |
21.5367 |
21.4133 |
21.4574 |
Magnets_11 |
27.8008 |
28.4443 |
28.3576 |
28.4102 |
Posts2 |
25.4259 |
29.3566 |
28.8164 |
29.2133 |
Table 2 - Average recolouring results using SSIM. Higher values are better.
Decoded |
Prop |
Centre |
Prop+centre |
Ankylosaurus_and_Diplodocus_11 |
0.9049 |
0.9324 |
0.9300 |
0.9317 |
Bee_12 |
0.6550 |
0.7212 |
0.7099 |
0.7191 |
Bee_22 |
0.5790 |
0.6156 |
0.6101 |
0.6135 |
ChezEdgar2 |
0.9058 |
0.9152 |
0.9166 |
0.9162 |
Color_Chart_11 |
0.8023 |
0.8165 |
0.8057 |
0.8170 |
Friends_11 |
0.9239 |
0.9299 |
0.9290 |
0.9297 |
Fruits2 |
0.6317 |
0.6379 |
0.6369 |
0.6375 |
Magnets_11 |
0.9106 |
0.9346 |
0.9330 |
0.9348 |
Posts2 |
0.8054 |
0.8659 |
0.8560 |
0.8637 |
Table 3 - Average recolouring results using S-CIELab. Lower values are better.
Decoded |
Prop |
Centre |
Prop+centre |
Ankylosaurus_and_Diplodocus_11 |
11.6821 |
7.2841 |
7.3169 |
7.2584 |
Bee_12 |
47.9358 |
33.7399 |
34.8856 |
33.8488 |
Bee_22 |
62.2390 |
58.6591 |
57.2721 |
57.9372 |
ChezEdgar2 |
29.2363 |
21.7885 |
21.0047 |
21.2967 |
Color_Chart_11 |
36.2238 |
24.2762 |
26.1732 |
24.0729 |
Friends_11 |
13.5950 |
11.5322 |
11.0613 |
11.2397 |
Fruits2 |
47.8697 |
46.9557 |
44.3578 |
45.0527 |
Magnets_11 |
15.0985 |
11.0375 |
10.7007 |
10.7644 |
Posts2 |
23.6692 |
9.1165 |
9.9985 |
9.2863 |
Table 4 - Average recolouring results using CID. Lower values are better.
Decoded |
Prop |
Centre |
Prop+centre |
Ankylosaurus_and_Diplodocus_11 |
0.4394 |
0.2110 |
0.1993 |
0.2071 |
Bee_12 |
0.4277 |
0.2245 |
0.2210 |
0.2223 |
Bee_22 |
0.5007 |
0.4455 |
0.4433 |
0.4413 |
ChezEdgar2 |
0.2260 |
0.2253 |
0.2201 |
0.2210 |
Color_Chart_11 |
0.4059 |
0.3869 |
0.3966 |
0.3876 |
Friends_11 |
0.1266 |
0.1141 |
0.1128 |
0.1130 |
Fruits2 |
0.3110 |
0.3049 |
0.3004 |
0.3007 |
Magnets_11 |
0.5034 |
0.3056 |
0.3113 |
0.3112 |
Posts2 |
0.0222 |
0.0216 |
0.0244 |
0.0228 |
Table 5 - Average recolouring results using Histogram distance. Lower values are better.
Decoded |
Prop |
Centre |
Prop+centre |
Ankylosaurus_and_Diplodocus_11 |
0.3068 |
0.1583 |
0.1591 |
0.1597 |
Bee_12 |
0.3419 |
0.2037 |
0.2153 |
0.2045 |
Bee_22 |
0.2354 |
0.2238 |
0.1841 |
0.2039 |
ChezEdgar2 |
0.2189 |
0.1225 |
0.1234 |
0.1234 |
Color_Chart_11 |
0.2274 |
0.1540 |
0.1588 |
0.1536 |
Friends_11 |
0.1928 |
0.1185 |
0.1170 |
0.1179 |
Fruits2 |
0.1930 |
0.1669 |
0.1375 |
0.1482 |
Magnets_11 |
0.2768 |
0.1545 |
0.1424 |
0.1497 |
Posts2 |
0.4981 |
0.2388 |
0.2384 |
0.2437 |
Table 6 - Average noise level before and after denoising. Lower values are better.
Decoded |
Prop |
Prop+denoising |
Centre |
Centre+denoising |
Prop+centre+denoising |
Ankylosaurus_and_Diplodocus_11 |
1.268 |
0.830 |
0.010 |
0.847 |
0.013 |
0.816 |
0.009 |
Bee_12 |
3.019 |
2.132 |
0.262 |
2.362 |
0.345 |
2.160 |
0.262 |
Bee_22 |
1.994 |
1.704 |
0.197 |
1.971 |
0.214 |
1.775 |
0.196 |
ChezEdgar2 |
1.532 |
1.365 |
0.252 |
1.415 |
0.259 |
1.372 |
0.253 |
Color_Chart_11 |
1.294 |
1.239 |
0.090 |
1.386 |
0.130 |
1.248 |
0.090 |
Friends_11 |
0.584 |
0.563 |
0.110 |
0.570 |
0.105 |
0.586 |
0.113 |
Fruits2 |
1.293 |
1.220 |
0.159 |
1.383 |
0.168 |
1.321 |
0.164 |
Magnets_11 |
1.196 |
0.812 |
0.008 |
0.890 |
0.021 |
0.825 |
0.011 |
Posts2 |
1.622 |
0.956 |
0.008 |
1.092 |
0.022 |
0.956 |
0.008 |
[1] M. Rerabek and T. Ebrahimi, “New Light Field Image Dataset”, in Proc. QoMEX, 2016.
[2] “Inria lytro illum dataset”,